​​​​​​​Raising awareness, supporting, educa​ting, and connecting people with Down syndrome and their families in the greater Utica and central New York area.
What is Early Intervention?
Once your child with Down syndrome is born, you may refer them for Early Intervention services. Early Intervention services are FREE and include speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and/or special education teaching. Services will be delivered to your home or child's daycare facility. To learn more about what Early Intervention is and why it benefits your child:
Who do I call?
Need a recommendation for a therapist?
All therapists are not created equal. As parents, we know this. It is so important for your child to have the best therapists helping them. Trust your instincts and if you feel that your therapist is not effective, look for a new one. Don't waste time or feel guilty. Since our group has families from different parts of central New York, we know the therapists who get the best results for our children in different counties. If you'd like our help getting connected with a therapist or agency, contact us.
Early Intervention is so important to your child's present and future- be sure you have effective therapists.